Asphalt is everywhere we go, from the front of our homes to the parking lot at the store to the highway on the way to work. While asphalt is all around us, most people don’t know a lot about it…. Read More
Author Archive
3 Tips for Getting into Green Construction
As new green technology develops and more and more individuals and companies demand greener practices, the green construction industry has increasingly become one of the hottest sectors to stake a claim in. If you offer or are able to implement… Read More
Why is Sitework Important?
Sitework is the process of getting your construction site ready for all of the actual construction that is going to take place. Sitework can be used to describe a whole host of things done to the site, but many people… Read More
The Amazing History of the Interstate Highway System
It wasn’t until 1956, under the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower, that the United States began building an interstate highway system. There were many good reasons to transition from winding, local roads to large, straightforward interstate highways. As the population grew,… Read More
How Do Detention and Retention Ponds Work?
A huge summer thunderstorm, a massive winter snowstorm, and a gusty fall hurricane all have one thing in common—water. When the water falls on your neighborhood, it needs somewhere to go to prevent it from invading your home and ruining… Read More
What’s the Difference Between Hot, Warm, and Cold Mix Asphalt?
Many people don’t realize that there are different types of asphalt that are used for various commercial and residential projects. All asphalt is a mix of coarse aggregate stone, sand, fine aggregate stone, and petroleum-based asphalt cement. Depending on the… Read More
How Do Storm Drains Work?
Whether or not you realize it, storm drains play a crucial role in keeping your landscaping looking beautiful, your basement dry, and your foundation from getting water damage. How exactly do storm drains work and what services do they offer… Read More
Top Construction Industry Trends for 2017
As 2017 begins, construction industry professionals are looking ahead to the challenges and opportunities that will present themselves in the new year. The new Trump administration has some forecasters feeling optimistic and others feeling nervous. Here are a few top… Read More
What is Your Commercial Snow Removal Plan?
It’s been a warm winter so far, but some places in Maryland have already started seeing snow. Is your commercial property ready for snow removal? The process of commercial snow removal can be more complicated than it seems at first… Read More
What Kinds of Ice Melts Are Safe for Asphalt?
The temperatures have dropped and the first ice storm of the season has come and gone, so what did you do to keep your sidewalks and pavement safe and slip-free? Choosing the right ice melts for the material used… Read More