Over time, asphalt will crack. That is an inevitability. Even the best asphalt pavement will eventually start to crack. The key to prolonging the life of your pavement is to manage these cracks as they occur, preventing them from growing… Read More
Author Archive
The Benefits of TMPs: Lessening Construction Site Injuries
When it comes to construction zone on highways, or any other roadway for that matter, safety is of the utmost importance. That is why transportation engineers across the nation are constantly trying to improve highway safety. And they may have… Read More
The growing role of Technology in Transportation and Construction
The world around us is constantly evolving. And the transportation and construction industries are no different. Technology continues to play a larger and larger role in both. And following the collapse of the Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota on… Read More
How Technology is Impacting the Construction and Asphalt Industry
In sticking with our recent technology trend, this week we will discuss several of the technologies currently affecting the construction and asphalt industries. 1. Sensor Integration: Today, sensor integration is opening up a world of potential for large data solutions…. Read More
A Baltimore Asphalt Contractor using Recycled Materials
As part of our ongoing commitment to environmentally friendly paving, we are constantly looking for new and better ways in which to serve our clients. And what better way to help serve you than by better educating you on the… Read More
Green Construction & Asphalt Paving from Reliable Contracting in Baltimore
Over the years, green construction practices in road building have gone from an idea often talked about, but rarely acted upon to the new, trendy paving technique to common practice in the paving industry. And today, hot-in-place pavement recycling (HIR)… Read More
Pavement Recycling with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP)
Believe it or not, the asphalt industry is actually one of the greenest around. 1. Asphalt is one of the most recycled products in the country. 2. Asphalt pavement and reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) DO NOT leach petroleum into the… Read More
Emergency Funds for Hurricane Sandy Damage in New Jersey & Connecticut
The United States Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently released $12 million in quick release emergency relief funds to deal with damage in New Jersey and Connecticut as a result of Hurricane Sandy. $10 million is allocated… Read More
How Technology is shaping the Pavement Industry :: Baltimore Asphalt Contractor
As we mentioned in last week’s post, the pavement industry is one of constant evolution and change. And perhaps the biggest catalyst of this change, over the years, has been technology. This technology has allowed pavement contractors to produce flatter… Read More
How the Concrete Industry has changed :: Baltimore Pavement Contractor
While the paving industry is often accused of resisting change, we, like all industries, have also changed over the years. How? 1. Professionalism and Reputation: For years, contractors were infamous for bidding low just to win contracts. These days, however,… Read More