Be prepared at all times to keep your parking lot clear!
It might seem unnecessary to plan for snow when it hardly happens in Maryland, but it is well worth it. A light sprinkle of snow can turn into slippery ice, and some years, you can get several feet of snow that sticks around for at least a week. Parking lot managers, beware! When business needs to continue as usual, you can make removing snow easier by following these top tips. Should you need asphalt maintenance before the snow hits in Maryland, contact Reliable Contracting!
Tips to Make Snow Removal from Parking Lots Easier
Use an Anti-Icer
You can make your life easier and the parking lot more driver-ready by using an anti-icing agent and not just a de-icer. An anti-icer keeps the snow from sticking to your parking lot pavement in the first place. It will prevent ice or black ice from forming on your pavement.
Use a De-Icer
An anti-icer will not necessarily stop snow from piling on top of your parking lot, though. That’s why you can also use a de-icer to melt the snow. Use only as much anti-icer and de-icer as you need so that no more chemicals have to enter the environment than necessary. There are different de-icer options, which we will get to below.
Pre-Wet Your De-Icer
One of the de-icers you could use is sodium chloride, also known as salt. This option is likely the most popular option. When used in moderation, it will not damage your asphalt or concrete. A way you can minimize damage and quicken the snow and ice melt is by wetting the de-icing material first, which activates it and makes it ready to do its work upon impact.
Remove Snow a Few Inches at a Time
If possible, do not wait to remove snow all at once. Remove snow from the parking lot after several inches build up at a time.
De-Ice at the Right Temperatures
Different de-icers work best at different temperatures. Do not use salt when the temperature is below 15 degrees Fahrenheit, and wait until the temperature drops below 35 degrees to apply calcium or magnesium chloride de-icers.
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Reliable Contracting Company serves the following and surrounding counties: Annapolis, Queen Anne’s, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Howard, Prince George, St. Mary’s, Talbot, and Washington D.C.