How do summer and asphalt relate? Learn here!
Maryland is no stranger to temperature fluctuations, but in general, summers tend to be consistently hot from June through August. While many might not enjoy the heat and humidity, summer weather is actually the best time for traditional asphalt paving. What’s the relationship between summer weather and asphalt? You will find articles on how hot weather affects asphalt and why summer weather is best for asphalt paving; here, you can learn about both.
Summer Weather and Asphalt Paving
Summer is the busy season for asphalt paving in Maryland. The weather must be at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit to lay down hot mix asphalt properly. If it is too cold, the asphalt will cool off too fast and not have time for workers to compact it. The nature of asphalt necessitates warm weather for paving.
Aside from necessity, summer weather offers other benefits for asphalt paving. You get longer daylight working hours, which requires less equipment than nighttime paving, and you could work on multiple projects at once and have them dry faster, as summer weather helps asphalt absorb sealant better. You get cost savings, more convenient working conditions, and shorter project timelines. Summer is the best time for asphalt paving.
Summer Weather and Asphalt
Conversely, how do summer weather and asphalt relate after installation? UV rays instantly begin the oxidation process on asphalt, slowly causing it to disintegrate. Sealant helps protect your commercial asphalt from the sun’s rays, along with water, oil spills, and dirt.
If the weather is extremely hot, it will put more stress on the pavement. With heat present, molecules expand, which means that asphalt pavement expands and can begin cracking with enough pressure. The pavement can become brittle and begin to form potholes. Just like a parched desert land, asphalt can dry out and form cracks over its entire surface.
Summer is both a great time for installing and maintaining asphalt and a season of asphalt wear and tear. The warm weather and sunny days are ideal for asphalt paving, but the hot sun very, very slowly weakens the pavement. It is a seeming contradiction but part of the wonders of chemistry.
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