Construction site development is right up our alley! Here’s what takes place before construction.
Reliable Contracting has an ever-growing portfolio of site development projects completed in central Maryland. We provide multiple services in the realm of construction site development, such as grading and excavation, utility installation, and soil treatment. We are a trusted land development company in Anne Arundel County and are ready to help you with your project. Are you figuring out how to delineate the process clearly? Let’s take a look at the land development process in its key steps.
What Is Land Development?
Land development, or construction site development, is the preparation that takes place before construction begins. Before Reliable Contracting can install a new parking lot, for example, project managers will have to take steps to prepare the land.
The Land Development Process
Site Surveying
The first step is a land survey. A land surveyor must determine the exact lines where development will take place. The results will also give the project manager the exact measurements of the site, such as the vertical and horizontal center lines.
Soil Testing
There are many soil classifications, and a soil test will determine the quality of the soil in terms of construction. It will show how suitable the soil is for new constructions and if it needs amending. The soil should be stable enough so that the structure’s foundation will not move.
Site Clearing
In the next step, the land begins to see change. The construction crew removes anything in the way of where the new construction will go. Trees, shrubs, grass, utilities, and debris must go. The site will be completely ready for soil treatment and construction.
Site Investigation
Site investigation is another test, but this time, it evaluates the site’s groundwater and rock composition. This information will inform the design of the foundation and other elements.
Site Plan Design
Finally, the project can move into the design phase. The team now has a clear map of the land, all the information necessary to make wise construction design decisions. Once the design is final, the project can continue to grading, utility installation, and construction.
Reliable Contracting can be the company to help your project along the way. Ask us about our site development services!
Reliable is dedicated to delivering quality products, displaying professionalism within the firm, seeking new opportunities for expansion and profitability, and providing an environment for individual success. If you have a commercial or residential construction project that you need taken care of, please contact Anne Arundel County’s largest site-work contractor today by calling 410-987-0313 or visiting our website. You can also follow Reliable Contracting on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter!
Reliable Contracting Company serves the following and surrounding counties: Annapolis, Queen Anne’s, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Howard, Prince George, St. Mary’s, Talbot, and Washington D.C.