Tips to Stay Alert While Driving

driver diagonal seatbelt

Drive safe, especially around road work zones!

There is always a reason to be on the road: holiday travel in the fall and winter, summer vacation, and everything in between. The highway is a primary mode of travel for Americans, but certainly one that comes with risks. One of the biggest concerns today is distracted or drowsy driving. Before you hit the road, check out these tips to stay alert while driving.

Get a Good Night’s Rest

Driving without a good night’s sleep can be hazardous. In fact, people’s brains will sleep for several seconds at a time without them knowing it. Rest well before traveling, especially if the drive is longer than an hour. Don’t push your chances; relax and go to sleep early.

Eat a Healthy Meal

Our diet also plays a role in our energy levels. Eat a healthy, energy-packed meal before you go. Trail mix, fresh fruit, nuts, and a well-rounded meal can help you stay alert and well on a long road trip. 

Drink Caffeine If You Can

Caffeine is not the best solution for everyone; if you become overcaffeinated, your jitteriness could affect your driving negatively. On the other hand, you may know the sweet spot for when you can benefit from caffeine and how much to consume.

Sit Up Straight

Did you know that your posture could help you stay alert while driving? If you are beginning to lose concentration or feel sleepy, make sure you are sitting up straight with your head erect. An alert position will help you stay alert.

Keep Your Brain Stimulated

Your brain is the powerhouse of your driving ability. When you are drowsy, it will become harder to concentrate, keep your eyes open, and notice changes in traffic. Do what you can to stimulate your brain so that it remains active. Some ways are to open the windows to get fresh air, play energetic music at party volume, eat snacks, and chat with your road trip buddy.

Drive with a Friend

It helps to drive with at least one other person. Too much activity in the car can be distracting, but with a helpful co-navigator, you will have an extra set of eyes to watch out for you on the road and help you stay alert while driving. 


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